
Bertrand de Blanquefort was the sixth Grand Master of the Templars. He was the youngest son of Godfrey de Blanquefort of Guyenne.
In October 1156 Bertrand de Blanquefort was elected the Grand Master of the Templars. At the beginning of his period Bertrand and the Templars were with Baldwin III of Jerusalem, with whom he fought against Nur ad-Din, son of Imad-ad-Din Zengi of Mosul and Aleppo. On 19th July 1157 King Baldwin III was defeated in the battle of Banyas on the river Jordan at a place called Jacob´s ford. Bertrand, his monk knights and 300 other knights were captured. He was held in captivity for three years in Aleppo (Syria) before was released together with 6,000 other Christian prisoners when Byzantine emperor Manuel I Comnenus made peace with Nur ad-Din.
After his return from his crusades Bertrand fell seriously ill with various pains. He asked one of his Templar brothers – a monk – to help him. Brother Johannes made a liqueur for his Grand Master. Soon after Bertrand sipped the liqueur he got better and his health become as it used to be. So, the Grand Master used to drink that liqueur more often.
After the Grand Master´s death the brother Johannes died too.
Nobody remembered that liqueur since the recipe was hidden in some book in the library. After dissolving the Templars all the books were taken to different places. Later, secret members of the Templars discovered the lost book together with Johannes recipe. Since then they have used this liqueur only for their members.
The destiny has shown us that it is the right time to reveal this herbal treasure of the Templars to the modern people. This is a message and a present from the Templars to all people. We want the illness to turn into the health and the health to not turn into an illness. That is why we take this liqueur – nearly forgotten – back to life.
We carefully choose an organic ingredients for this liqueur and also follow the original manufacturing process of brother Johannes. This is guaranteed by the seal of the Grand Master of the Knights of Templar.

What is Thesaurum Templaris?

Herbal health treasure of the Templars

Brother Johannes´ original recipe from 1167

Unique herbal liquor for your health

Available for all people for the first time in history.

The present of the Templars followers for the present times.

Legend about Thesaurum Templaris
The Templars´ herbal treasure for our health
Since the break-up of the Order of the Templars in 1312, legends have been spread about the treasure which was apparently taken by carriages on the eve of the attack of the Order from the Temple and which has disappeared without a trace since then.
Some time ago we were lucky to meet and listen to the Templar Grand Master´s different stories and legends about the Templars, he also mentioned the Templar treasure. However, the Grand Master told us that the Templars had several treasures, not just one. Yes, everyone was only interested in the golden treasure, but while listening to the story we found out that even the Templars´ treasures which weren´t golden were real treasures as well.
They helped them live and survive in very difficult past times.
We listened with a huge interest to this wise man’s very long story about the life of these ancient warriors of Christ. In the story, we were particularly interested in how these brave warriors were able to survive, how they were treated, and especially how they were able to stay healthy. In those times when there was no medical care, various medicasters, herbalists, but even blacksmiths, who, for example, served as dentists, were responsible for health. In the knightly orders of that period, the art of healing was dominated by the monks..
On their journeys, the Templars wandered in their armours on horses in winter and summer, spring or autumn, in the hot sun, but also on cold nights, in good times and in bad weather, in windy, rainy, snowy or in frosty weather. While wandering, they just slept on the bare and cold ground, covered with their cloaks, and next morning they got up and continued their journeys.
Are you wondering how they could do it?
How could they keep their health and survived severe diseases without antibiotics?

The answer is the herbal liquor THESAURUM TEMPLARIS.
Effects of Thesaurum Templaris
Thesaurum Templaris is one of the unique Templar treasures. Thesaurum Templaris is not golden, but is herbal.
It was one of several herbal elixirs that have been used for various purposes and which effects, in God´s will, we will gradually introduce you.
This herbal liquor carefully mixed by Brother Johannes was drunk by warriors of Christ throughout the day in very small doses so that their immune system worked properly and strengthened all internal organs.
However, when the Templars fought some disease, they slightly increased the dose of this medicinal drink.
When we look at Thesaurum Templaris from the point of view of modern herbalism, we can recommend it for:
strength, endurance and vitality
weakened immunity
for digestive problems
when travelling on holiday
severe diseases
About Us

How did we get to Thesaurum Templaris?
When we found out that Thesaurum Templaris had never been among ordinary people, we asked the Grand Master if the Templars could pass it on to all people?
The final answer was : “Yes.”
However, it took five long years before we managed to bring Thesaurum Templaris among the people.
This is what we write in the legend, this is the FATE that decided that right now is the time to bring this herbal TREASURE of the Templars among all…
We were shivering with excitement when we finally heard that Thesaurum Templaris is a heritage and a gift from the successors of the Templars for the present with this motto:
“We want the sick to become healthy and the healthy should not get sick.”
So with this intention, today we are reviving this almost forgotten Templars´ treasure, and hopefully in other different forms as well.
The originality of Thesaurum Templaris is guaranteed by the Grandmaster’s seal.
The Order of the Templars, fullly called The Poor Knights of Christ and the Temple of Solomon (Latin Pauperes commilitones Christi templique Salomonici), was one of the most powerful Christian knightly orders of the Middle Ages.
The order was founded in 1118 as a result of the first crusade to the Holy Land (1096-1099).
The Templars, the warriors of Christ, fought for God under this motto:
„Non Nobis Domine, Non Nobis. Sed Nomini Tuo Da Gloriam”
(Translated: “Not to us, Lord, not to us, but give glory to your name.”)

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017 04 Považská Bystrica 4
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